What is 3rd Down Analysis?

3rd Down Analysis was created as a passion project by an individual who has a love for sports and data. The content provides deeper dive analyses to help college football fans understand what the data are telling us about the game. While there are mounds of data to dissect, here you will find the stories that are important and focused on the key pieces of data. However, data must always be contextualized, whether in sports, business, or in life. Therefore, the reader will find that for every interesting point of data displayed or charted there is an equally interesting story to help make sense of the data.

If you have any questions or want to reach out to 3rd Down Analysis, you can email support@3rddownanalysis.com.

Who created 3rd Down Analysis?

Daniel Jackson is the creator of 3rd Down Analysis. Having worked for well over a decade on the revenue & business side of healthcare, he has spent most of his career working in operations and fell into analytics. A self-taught analytical interpreter (one who speaks the language of business operations and analytics), he spends his work days mulling through the complexities of supply and demand forecasting for a virtual mental health provider.

Understanding the value in visualizing and contextualizing data, he strives to bring insights from his analysis to the conversation. And this is what he does with 3rd Down Analysis. He is also a passionate sports fan with years of watching and playing, so that helps too.

Growing up within earshot of the roaring crowd at LaVell Edwards Stadium in Provo, UT, he would run outside hear the crowd yell every time BYU scored a touchdown. Then, he would continue to play football with his brothers and friends, mimicking his favorite college teams.

When he is not out on an adventure with his lovely wife, he is usually knee deep in data, serving in church, or biking while watching sports in his basement exercise zone.

Feel free to connect on Twitter (@djdannyjackson) or LinkedIn and enjoy the content here!